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Post Corneal Transplant & Custom Contact Lenses In Oakville, Ontario

After a corneal transplant, patients tend to require specialty contact lenses in order to achieve clear and comfortable vision.

Two Common Types of Corneal Transplants

Corneal transplants have two main categories: Penetrating keratoplasty (PK) and Endothelial Keratoplasty (EK).

Penetrating Keratoplasty (PK): A corneal transplant of the full thickness of the cornea

Endothelial Keratoplasty (EK): A corneal transplant where only the back layer of the cornea Is corrected

thinking older man with scleral lenses

Why is a Corneal Transplant is Performed?

A corneal transplant is recommended for those who have:

  • Vision problems caused by the thinning of the cornea, generally due to keratoconus (this procedure may also be advised when less invasive treatments are not working)
  • Scarred cornea caused by severe injuries or infections
  • Vision loss caused by cloudiness of the cornea, which typically results from Fuchs dystrophy

What Is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus (keh-rah-toe-cone-us) is an eye disorder in which the round dome-shaped cornea progressively thins causing a cone-like bulge to develop.

Patients with keratoconus have irregular, cone-shaped corneas, and cannot use glasses to correct vision. The ideal solution, therefore, is scleral contact lenses. They sit on the sclera without touching the cornea, while providing sharpness, clarity and comfort in vision.

The Scleral Lens and Keratoconus Center at Dr. Fallon Patel and Associates provides advanced eye care for keratoconus patients throughout Ontario including Oakville, Milton, Burlington and Mississauga. 

man with corneal transplant treatment

Corneal Transplants Treatment & Recovery

Although most people experience successful corneal transplants, it does not entirely cure the eye of the disease. Patients will certainly notice dramatic improvements, but their vision will still need correction.

Recovery from a corneal transplant can last more than a year, as the eye has to adapt to the new cornea. Because this adjustment is unpredictable, nearsightedness or astigmatism may develop, leading the eye doctor to prescribe eyeglasses or contacts to correct one’s vision. Even once the eye has fully healed, prescription glasses or lenses may still be required.

man with corneal transplant treatment
Woman with Post-Cornea Transplant Surgery

Scleral Lenses & Post-Corneal Transplant Surgery

Corneal transplants tend to result in irregular corneas, as the transplant doesn’t fully adapt to the eye. The eye doctor may recommend rigid gas permeable lenses (RGP’s), hybrid contact lenses or scleral lenses to provide you with clear vision and comfort without requiring any further surgery.

Scleral lenses are the optimal choice as the lens vaults entirely over the cornea without adding any pressure to it. After a corneal transplant, the cornea may still be considered irregular and diseased, and the scleral lens allow one’s cornea to remain hydrated while avoiding any risk of scarring.

Serving Patients From:

Oakville | Milton | Burlington | Mississauga | and throughout Ontario

News – FDA Approves First Contact Lens to Slow Progression Of Myopia in Children on Nov 15th 2019 – MiSight Daily Disposable Soft Lens by CooperVision.